What to Wear to a Cody Event? Cody Formal.
What should I wear? This question often gets asked about the events in Cody. 99% of the time, the answer is Cody Formal.
My family has used the term ‘Cody Formal’ for as long as I can remember. It’s a dress code that encourages you to look your best, but it’s not rigid. ‘Looking nice’ can mean anything from clean jeans, and a nice sweater (or a dress) for the ladies, and jeans and a sports coat ensemble for the men. Touches of high-style western wear are also seen. Much depends on the style you’re comfortable with. Boots, though, are always appropriate.
So, where did this develop? My dad told me that when he was younger and growing up in Cody, there were people with incredible wealth and those who struggled to put food on the table. And yet, what really mattered in Cody was community. The town cared more about making sure everyone was included, much more than what anyone wore. So, there were events he attended where some people were in tuxes and highly fashionable dresses while others wore their cleanest jeans and best shirts. And the best thing about it was that nobody cared…as long as you looked nice. All were welcome for who they were, not what they wore.
Cody Formal is still the dress code for the town. Yes, there are a few black tie events that require a bit more to them, but they clearly state the expectations. Otherwise – don’t fuss too much about what you wear. Just look nice.

Janet Jones
Owner, Publisher, Editor
Janet has a rich history in Cody with her grandparents moving here in the late 1930s. Her grandfather started Wyoming Well Service. Janet is a writer, photographer, graphic designer and webmaster. Cody Journal and Cody Calendar blends her skills and talents with her love of the area.