The Hidden Cost of Centralized Food

Oct 25, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed just how fragile our centralized food supply chain truly is. For me, AJ Richards, founder of From The Farm, this crisis was a call to action. From The Farm aims to decentralize our food systems, enhance resilience, and deliver more nutritious food directly to our tables.

Health Impacts of Centralized Food Systems

Over recent decades, centralized food production has contributed to a decline in America’s health. Obesity and chronic diseases have increased, largely due to the prioritization of process efficiency over nutritional value. Additives, preservatives, and ultra-processed ingredients designed to extend shelf life are taking a toll on our well-being.

Economic and Environmental Costs

Centralized food systems have also hurt local economies. Large corporations, with vast marketing budgets, have pushed small family farms out by offering cheaper, processed food options. As a result, about 20,000 family farms have closed every year for the past five years, shrinking from 6.5 million farms in 1930 to just 1.8 million today. This consolidation strips consumers of the opportunity to support their local farmers and access fresh, nutrient-dense food. Environmentally, concentrated animal feedlots and large-scale monoculture farming are causing significant damage. These practices lead to methane emissions, water contamination, and even environmental disasters. In contrast, small-scale, diversified farms can use livestock waste as valuable fertilizer to enrich the soil and help combat desertification and wildfires.

Steps Toward a More Resilient Food System

Consumers can make a positive impact by gradually shifting their buying habits. Start by replacing one item in your kitchen with a local alternative. As this becomes a habit, continue replacing more items, building a pantry filled with locally-sourced, nutrient-dense foods. Supporting local farmers not only reduces environmental impact but also leads to a more satisfying and cost-effective way of eating.

The Role of From The Farm

To address these challenges, I founded From The Farm, a digital farmers’ market connecting consumers directly with local producers—think of it as an Airbnb for food. By decentralizing the food supply chain, we can create more resilient, sustainable systems, support local economies, and offer higher-quality food options.


The hidden costs of centralized food systems affect our health, economy, and environment. However, by supporting local producers, we can drive a shift toward a more resilient, sustainable, and nourishing food system. Now is the time to learn how to “shake the hand that feeds you.”

AJ Richards
Founder and CEO 
From the Farm

AJ Richards is the founder and CEO of From The Farm, dedicated to empowering local farmers and ranchers by connecting them directly with consumers. With a background in agriculture and a passion for food sovereignty, AJ advocates for a resilient, decentralized food system that prioritizes small producers and local food security.

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