Nourishing Moms and Babies Through Expert Lactation Care

Feb 7, 2025

The only dedicated breastfeeding clinic in the Bighorn Basin staffed by a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with over 23yrs experience and dual certifications as a lactation consultant and counselor offering home visits, in-office appointments, and telehealth.

While practicing as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at the Big Horn Basin Children’s Clinic here in Cody, it became apparent that mothers struggled with obtaining reliable, thorough lactation care when they were having breastfeeding difficulties. Although there is some access to Certified Lactation Counselors, most work in the hospital. This left a huge void for lactation support after hospital discharge. It was realized quickly that many mothers struggle with complex medical needs, difficult postpartum recoveries, and/or the baby has medical complications. When this is the case, even a nurse who is a Certified Lactation Counselor may not have the training or expertise to handle such complexities and due to scope of practice are not able to diagnose, order labs, prescribe or manage treatment. To address this issue, Milkwagon Breastfeeding Services was officially opened in September 2024.

Imagine having a newborn with poor weight gain and feeding issues, dealing with postpartum recovery, and then driving sometimes very long distances for weight checks and reassessments. Offering home visits within a 60-mile radius of Cody is unique to MilkWagon Breastfeeding Services (outside of public health nursing) with the goal of alleviating unnecessary trips back and forth to the hospital or pediatrician’s office. Even if a mother chooses an in-office visit, the office is designed with the comforts of home and appointments are scheduled to serve one mother/baby couple at a time avoiding crowded waiting rooms with sick patients.

An initial visit entails full comprehensive exams and assessments of both mother and baby, complete oro-motor evaluation of baby, observed breastfeeding with pre and post breastfeeding weights to determine breastmilk intake, written individualized breastfeeding plans, and medical treatments/recommendations for mom and baby when necessary, and faxed consult notes to your baby’s pediatrician. If your baby is a patient at the Big Horn Basin Children’s Clinic, I still maintain a close working relationship with the providers to improve coordination of care.
Reasons to seek a lactation consult include but are not limited to: Prenatal Consults, Latch Difficulty, Nipple pain, Milk Supply issues, Engorgement, Mastitis or other breast concerns, Feeding Multiples, First Baby or First time breastfeeding, Baby with Medical Issues/Failure to Thrive/Slow Weight Gain, Premature/Late Preterm Baby, Exclusively Pumping, Returning to work, Weaning, Re-lactation/Inducing Lactation.

For health care providers in women’s health or pediatrics in the Big Horn Basin area, I am available for provider-to-provider consults. If you would like to refer a patient, fax a referral to 307-228-7229 or book appointment directly online.

For prospective patients, please visit for more information about me, services, and pricing. You can also follow MilkWagon Breastfeeding Services on Facebook or Instagram.

Office Location: 1735 Sheridan Ave Suite #214 Cody, Wy 82414
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-5 with weekend appointments available for urgent cases

Kathleen Howard, CPNP-PC, CLC, IBCLC
Owner, Milkwagon Breastfeeding Services
1735 Sheridan Ave. Suite 214, Cody, WY
[email protected]

Kathleen combines her extensive skills and >23 years experience as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Lactation Consultant to thoroughly address the needs of breastfeeding moms and their babies. After noting throughout her career how ill equipped so many pediatric and family practice offices were in supporting breastfeeding moms, Kathleen decided to devote her time to providing comprehensive breastfeeding care. She is able to offer services that expand beyond the scope of most lactation counselors/consultants especially when complex medical issues may complicate breastfeeding or milk supply. She looks forward to being an integral part of your breastfeeding journey and assisting you in your new role as a parent.

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