Food 4 Kids Backpack Program
I’ve recently had the honor of learning more about the Food 4 Kids Backpack Program and seeing why it is so successful. This is one example of the best of our community – Cody taking care of Cody.
There are many great programs to support in Cody, and this one has quietly garnered tremendous support for nearly ten years. It’s not a formal program set up as a non-profit to stand on its own, but rather, it simply fills a need with an easy fix. It’s a program everyone can agree with wholeheartedly: Ensuring kids are fed.
Many hands make light work. Each week, at the Presbyterian church, volunteers from the community gather to pack nutritious, easy-to-prepare bags of food for about 170 students in the schools to take home with them. This helps the students avoid hunger on weekends when they can’t rely on school meals. In addition, Food 4 Kids provides each school a pantry of snacks that can be requested by a student in the program whenever needed.
In Cody schools, 28% – 41% of children qualify for free or reduced-cost lunches. It’s well known that hungry children can struggle to concentrate and learn. Making sure hunger doesn’t hold any child back from reaching their potential is a good thing.
Because the program is kept simple, so is the paperwork parents need to fill out if there’s a desire for extra help. There is no judgment as the program errs on the side of compassion.

The program has grown over the past ten years and now requires about $5,000 monthly to maintain, with each bag of food costing around $7.00. The Presbyterian Church fiscally sponsors the program under their 501C3 non-profit status, taking donations and providing a means for the program to benefit from grants related to hunger initiatives. However, their fundraising efforts are ongoing to ensure the program continues.
The church also provides room for the pantry itself. Food 4 Kids exists thanks to over 80 volunteers and numerous donations from the entire community, including many businesses and churches. Some donate funds, others donate food. Some volunteers come regularly to pack bags, and others help through delivery. Cody stepping up to take care of each other when a need arises has always been a hallmark of the community. This program exemplifies this core value of Cody.
To donate, volunteer, or learn more, email them at [email protected].