Home Winter Book Fair


Park County Public Library | Cody
Park County Public Library | Cody


Park County Library
Park County Library | 1500 Heart Mountain Street


Jan 25 2025


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Winter Book Fair

Join us for a day filled with books, creativity, and community! The Winter Book Fair will feature engaging workshops and classes in the morning, followed by an afternoon book fair showcasing local authors, exciting reads, and more. The event will take place throughout the Cody Library, and all proceeds will support the Park County Library Foundation’s project to build a new Powell Library.
Event Highlights:
Workshops and Classes: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Book Fair: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow book lovers and support a great cause! Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the event.

Here’s the Schedule for the
Park Country Library Foundation’s Winter Book Fair! 

This year’s event takes place at the Cody Library Saturday, January 25, 2025. Classes and workshops will be offered from 9:00 am to noon, and the book fair will be from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

If you wish to participate and have not already done so, please download the registration form, complete it (you can do it directly in Acrobat Reader), print it, and send it with your check to the address indicated on the form. Be sure to mark if you’re interested in reading an eight-minute excerpt from the book during the event and if you’d be willing to donate a raffle basket or books for the auction.

The deadline for submitting your payment for participation is Wednesday, January 22.

All proceeds benefit the Park County Library Foundation’s current project—the new Powell library!

Class and Workshop Schedule

Classes and workshops are open to the public and are FREE, so even if you don’t plan to have a table at the event, please consider attending one or more of the classes!
• Mike Johnson
How to Write Your Best Life
Grizzly Hall, 9:15 AM (45 minutes)
Writing is a superpower. Words are the 3D printer of your reality. In the “write” hands, rearranging the same 26 letters can create any spectacular life you imagine. This workshop shares many creative ways to conjure words from thin air and turn them into abundant physical reality. Mike has sold two million words as a reporter, columnist, editor, publisher, freelancer, author, blogger, and entrepreneur, earning financial and time freedom in the process. WorldsBestWriter.com
• Callie Ann Atkinson
Writing from Historical Documents
Wapiti Room, 9:15 AM (60 minutes)
In this workshop, Callie Ann will lead participants through a series of writing exercises using historical documents as inspiration. This is a generative workshop for those who are interested in history and research and writing historical stories. Using her own writing and writing process as examples, she will help participants pull material from newspapers to create a historical atmosphere for their story. Participants will learn to pay attention to the small details and to use them in creative ways within the scenes of their story. Participants will have the opportunity to share their writing with other participants.
• Callie Ann Atkinson
Writing Family Stories
Wapiti Room, 10:15 AM (60 minutes)
Do you have a family story or stories that you have been wanting to write down? In this workshop, participants will tap into stories of their family and retell those stories on the page. This is a generative workshop class in which participants will learn techniques for turning family stories into fiction stories. She will use her own writing as examples and teach participants ways to give themselves permission to be creative with their stories, while staying true to the real aspects of the story.
• Cathy Ringler
Everyone Has a Story
Bison Room, 9:15 AM (90 minutes)
Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer; some are written in books and some are confined to the heart.—Savi Sharma. Are you ready to write that story for your grandchildren? Are you pondering a piece for a newsletter or an entry in the Wyoming Writer’s annual contest? In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll be provided with tips on characterization, dialog, and voice which will help you draft a powerful personal narrative. Come equipped with a laptop or notebook, a compelling memory, and be ready to write!
• Michael B. Riley
Structuring Memoir
Grizzly Hall, 10:15 AM (60 minutes)
The class will discuss how the content of a memoir dictates its structure and how revision plays a crucial role in arriving at the truths inside the author’s narrative. Timelines, themes, voices, and transitions will be defined and analyzed to help determine structural integrity.
• Linda Rae Sande
I Wrote a Book – Now What Do I Do?
Bison Room, 10:45 AM (75 minutes)
In today’s publishing world, an author must be an entrepreneur. Here are the how-tos for building the team and the tools you’ll need to help bring your book to market. We’ll cover some basics about setting up your author business and finding the people you’ll need for editing, cover design, and formatting, organizing your database of information, and publishing to various retailers. We’ll end the time covering the promotional tasks necessary to get the word out about your book—an author website, newsletter, and low-cost promotional sites to help with discoverability—and finally, protecting your work! All will be revealed in this fast-paced class.
• Tom Young
How to Write Right
Eagle Room, 10:15 AM (90 minutes)
Have you wanted to get published but don’t know where to start? Then this class is for you! The presentation will be followed by writing exercises. Thomas Ashley Young has published three books, one which won first place in the Autobiography category.

Authors Reading Schedule

Authors will be reading 8-minute excerpts from their books in Grizzly Hall. Our MC will introduce everyone by reading their bio and a timer will be available to keep things on schedule. If you’re reading, please plan to be in Grizzly Hall about ten minute before you’re scheduled to read.
K. J. Gillenwater 12:10
Michael B. Riley 12:20
J. T. Currie 12:30
Sara Vinduska 12:40
Linda Rae Sande 12:50
Cathy Ringler 1:00
Charles Yates 1:10
Tam DeRudder Jackson 1:20
E. M. Bannock 1:30
Millie Copper 1:40
Royal Duneman 1:50
Callie Ann Atkinson 2:00
Mike Johnson 2:10
Thomas Ashley Young 2:20

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