Home Rodeo Photography School


Sasa Starkjohann Photography
Sasa Starkjohann Photography
(307) 264-9092
[email protected]


Stampede Park (rodeo grounds)
Rodeo Grounds | 519 West Yellowstone Ave, Cody, Wyoming


Jun 07 - 09 2024

Rodeo Photography School

June 7-9 in Cody Wyoming
I had so much interest that I would like to offer this up to more than one person.
15 spots are available.
With that being said, I will only run this if I have a minimum of 5 signups. There is a $50 non refundable fee to secure your spot and the rest will be due the morning of the first day. The deposit will not be collected UNTIL I have those first 5 spots secured.
Signups open until last week of May, or if the class fills up before then.
This is for ALL levels of photographers, no experience required BUT you DO need your own equipment.
– Camera with interchangeable lenses
– Laptop or computer is highly recommended.
2 full days of teaching/hands on work and half day of editing/review.
We will be going over ALOT. Which is why this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!! After the class, I will choose one or two to intern under me for the rest of the summer. It will be mentoring only. It will not be paid.
This will NOT allow you access to just any rodeos.
No one will be shooting in the arena.
Liability forms for the rodeo grounds and the school itself will be signed.
This will not credential you in ANY way. This is to learn about your camera, photography and the sport of rodeo and photographing it.
More details to come shortly about what the weekend will entail, but will answer any questions.
If you are interested please send me an email.

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Cody Calendar Ad for The Cowboy Palace

The event is finished.