Matt Axton & Badmoon – Live Music
$10 at the door. $20 VIP table tickets available. Must be in groups of 4.
Matt Axton is a gifted singer/songwriter. Granted, that’s a claim made by many artists that inhabit the world of Americana these days, but in Matt’s case, it’s more than a mere boast. The ability to make music is firmly infused in his genes, courtesy of a family history that implanted that ability in him early on.
While he modestly describes his sound as a “humble slice of Americana,” it’s clear that it possesses so much more. With a style that encompasses country, folk, roots, rock, R&B, and pure pop proficiency, he defies easy categorization. With a rich reservoir of original tunes — over 300 in fact — and three well received albums (Blue Sky Rain, Matthew C. Axton and Badmoon), he’s established himself as a prolific and proficient singer, songwriter and guitarist, both on his own and at the helm of his various ensembles.
Even a small sampling of his musical output proves the point. His current single, “Blue Sky Rain,” the title track of his current album, is both stirring and seductive, an easy amble that belies its description of the topsy turvy travails that accompany the entanglements of relationships.
“Born of Chains,” culled from Badmoon, is flush with steadfast determination, a rugged, relentless bluesy-rocker that conveys clear conviction and a desire to overcome whatever obstacles are tossed in his way.
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