Home Homesteader Hall 57th Annual Meeting


Homesteader Museum
Homesteader Museum
[email protected]


Homesteader Museum
324 E. 1st St, Powell


Mar 08 2025


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Homesteader Hall 57th Annual Meeting

Homesteader Museum will be hosting the 57th Annual Meeting of the Homesteader Museum Association, Inc. Board on Saturday, March 8th at 2pm.
The business meeting will review last year’s accomplishments and annual reports will be shared, followed by a program and refreshments.
This year’s program will be presented by Callie Atkinson on her book titled The George Story, about her great-great-great uncle.
“Memories haunt us for a reason. In The George Story, George Atkinson, the second son of a homesteading and profiteering gentleman, discovers the truth of this during the aftermath of the “Indian Wars.”
Callie grew up on a small farm in Belfry, Montana. She graduated from NWC with a degree in English writing. She holds an MFA from the University of Montana in Creative Writing-Fiction and an MFA from Spalding University in Poetry. She is currently in her fourth year of teaching 8th and 10th grade English, Special Education, and creative writing and poetry as elective classes in Joliet, Montana. She will have copies of her book available for purchase.
The program and a reception follow the Homesteader Museum Association’s short annual meeting.
The public is invited to attend and see what the Homesteader Museum Association, Inc. is about and decide if they would like to become a member of their organization.
Members of the Homesteader Museum Association, Inc. are a vital part of the museum’s growth, support our events/exhibits, and needs of the museum. The Homesteader Museum continues it’s exciting and challenging work to research, record, and preserve Powell’s history for our future generations! Our homesteading story becomes even more important today as the world changes so quickly around us and as we consider some of the important lessons the pioneers of the area have taught us. Thank you to the members for being a part of telling this important story.

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