Cody Culture Club: Common Ground
At Mineta-Simpson Institute, Heart Mountain Interpretive Center
1539 Road 19, between Cody and Powell
April 10, 2025
5:30–7:30 p.m.
Join us on select Thursdays January through April for Cody Culture Club. You’ll enjoy appetizers and cash bar at every program. If you love Cody, you’re part of the Club! Tickets for individual programs are $25 each, with discounts available with our package deal; details and online ticketing at centerofthewest.org/codycultureclub.
Our April 10 program takes place at the recently opened Mineta-Simpson Institute at the Heart Mountain Interpretive Center. Throughout long careers on opposite sides of the political aisle, Norman Mineta and Alan K. Simpson overcame their political differences and worked together to find common ground. Aura Sunada Newlin, Executive Director of Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation, celebrates their legacy of empathy, courage, and cooperation in the newly opened Mineta-Simpson Institute.
About our speaker
Aura Sunada Newlin is a fourth-generation Wyomingite, fourth-generation Japanese American, and the Executive Director for the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation (HMWF). Her heritage involves intertwined stories of imprisonment at Heart Mountain; segregated military service; and hardships suffered by railroaders who were fired because of their Japanese ancestry. She was previously a faculty member at both the University of Wyoming and Northwest College.
Born and raised in Riverton, Aura earned a BA in ethnomusicology from the University of Wyoming and an MA in medical anthropology from Case Western Reserve University. Now focusing on the anthropology of law, she is a PhD candidate at Case Western Reserve University. Aura’s work has been profiled by the Women in Wyoming podcast and gallery exhibit; the University of Wyoming’s Featured Alumni series; Wyoming PBS; and Wyoming Truths’ “Women you should know in Wyoming” series.