John Colter’s Time in the Bighorn Basin

John Colter’s Time in the Bighorn Basin

John Colter’s Time in the Bighorn Basin It was at this exact time of year, fall in northwest Wyoming, when John Colter set out alone and on foot from a fur trading post east of today’s Billings. Between the fall of 1807 and the summer of 1808, Colter explored at...
Cottonwood Interiors On the Move in January

Cottonwood Interiors On the Move in January

Cottonwood Interiors On the Move in January From now until the end of December, Cottonwood Interiors is full of all the holiday goodness to make your home cozy and inviting. However, next January, they will be on the move from the current location (2103 E. Sheridan...
Save the Historic Cody Theatre Marquee

Save the Historic Cody Theatre Marquee

Save the Historic Cody Theatre Marquee You may have noticed the Cody Theatre’s marquee has sagged. It’s an iconic part of the historic look of downtown Cody and needs help. The owners have a funding campaign asking for $25,000 to bring it back to its...
Help Combat Chronic Wasting Disease

Help Combat Chronic Wasting Disease

Help Combat Chronic Wasting Disease Hunters can dispose of deer carcasses for free at the Park County landfill in Cody.   CODY- The Wyoming Game and Fish Department and Park County are working together to reduce the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD). Thanks...