Cody Journal is an online community magazine focusing on everything that strengthens our community. Our tagline is “The Voice of Cody.” We provide a platform for people in the community to share their voices. All articles published will be reviewed for accuracy by those the article covers. It takes a bit more effort and time, but it’s the right thing to do. Mutually beneficial collaboration is the path forward to help everyone thrive.
Cody Calendar is at the heart of Cody Journal. It’s an online community calendar of events for Cody that lists all local events in one location. What makes this town so dynamic is the community involvement. Most everyone is in a group of some sort. If you’re new to the area or you and your family have lived here for generations, the best way to shape Cody’s future is by being involved and giving back to the community in some way. We aim to help you find your people.
Connecting has always been at the heart of what makes Cody such a unique community. The pandemic significantly curtailed the ability to gather, and Cody Journal started as a way to get Cody back to being Cody. This is a community that loves to gather. Read more about how Cody Journal started.

Janet Jones | Owner & Founder
I’m Janet Jones, a kid of a Cody kid. I thank my grandparents every day for choosing to move to the Cody area in the late 1930s. While I grew up in Colorado, I always knew I’d end up here. With the changes in Colorado, Cody is now as close to a home town as I’ll ever get. I love this town and want to see the cohesiveness of the community continue even as it grows.

Missy Burns | Marketing Strategist & Social Media Manager
Missy Burns is the marketing strategist and social media manager of the Cody Journal. She also operates her own marketing consultation service through MB Creative. She brings 10 years of business and marketing management experience to the Cody Journal as well as a fresh and creative perspective to connect and build community in Park County.

Alison Scheu | Content Manager
My name is Alison Scheu and I am a born and raised Cody gal with family throughout the Big Horn Basin. I am not only a Cody High School Alumni but also a Northwest College and University of Wyoming Alumni. Living in Cody with my husband, daughter and dogs is nothing short of a blessing. I am excited to be working with the Cody Journal and bringing information about this wonderful area to locals and those who visit!
(the extended team)

Seth Johnson | Cody Technical
Seth Johnson with Cody Technical is our technical guru handling everything behind the scenes and beyond the abilities of the rest of the team.