43 °F
Wind: 8 MPH
Humidity: 41 %
Feels like: 38 °F
Powell’s Pop Up Play
Alright! Who’s ready?! Thanks to Heart Mountain Free Clinic and First Stop Park County Help Center, I’m excited to announce that there is going to be an INDOOR OPEN PLAY SPACE available on a regular basis right here in Powell.
We’re having our first ‘Pop-Up Play’ event at the Trinity Bible Church gym this Wednesday March 12, from 10am- 12pm.
This event is aimed at providing a free, open ended play area for caretakers to bring their kiddos ages 0-5 to let them interact and play with each other.
This is not childcare.
A caretaker must sign a liability waiver and be present for the entire time that their little is playing.
Let’s make this a fun, open, supportive environment for the kiddos and adults alike so that we can keep having these play days until the weather clears up… and maybe even after!
Cody Journal advertisers make this calendar possible.