The Story Behind “Tranquility”
It was a beautiful October weekend. I had gone out on Saturday, and realized there were places I wanted to go earlier in the morning, so I got up early the next morning and took off for the Beartooth Highway. After getting some shots of Pilot and Index, and the Hunter Peak area, I headed for Cooke City to get gas. I pulled into the Clark’s Fork Trailhead park, just before getting to Cooke City, and could see the lovely yellow foliage under the evergreens, and the beautiful blue sky in the background.
Knowing that the camera could not keep both the foreground and background properly exposed, I took a series of shots at separate exposures intending to combine them with the process called HDR (High Dynamic Range). I simply wanted to render the photograph the way my eye could see it, and I was pleased that it came out matching my memory.

Randi Slaughter
Litewriter Photography
Open Range Images
After a career with computers, I retired in 2005 and my husband and I moved to Clark. Living in this part of the country has enabled me to spend time pursuing my love of landscape photography.